Leonardo Bacon, Spaces 2019

Dead end, 2022, Katelyn Kopenhaver

YOU ARE NOT FOLLOWING ME, 2018, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30

The question, Richard Nina-Angeles

Domestic Vignette, 2022, by Aaron Zanabria

Meiosis, 2022, John Henry

The eye of scorn, 2022, by Peterley Dorcius

Bare, 2022, by Katelyn Kopenhaver

CORRUPTION WALKS IN DISGUISE, 2017, Vintage Mink and Acrylic, 20”x30

Leonardo Bacon, Spaces 2019
Land of lands, 2022, by Daniel Maya

Clash of M's, 2022, by Peterley Dorcius

Beaten down and bruised up, but rising like a noble gas, 2022, by Patrick Oleson

La Bestia, 2022, Daniel Maya

The Entropy of it all, 2022, by John Stevenson Archange

Mother and son, 2021, by Peterley Dorcius

Untitled, Stevenson John Archange

Young lady Old lady, 2022, by Peterley Dorcius

Displaced, dislocated and disaranged, Laura Gonzalez

In the sheet, 2022, by Aaron Zanabria

Rehearsal, 2022, by Aaron Zanabria

Domestic vignette, 2022, by Aaron Zanabria

Domestic vignette, 2022, by Aaron Zanabria